Why Does Hair Fall? What Is Hair Loss Treatment?

Ever wonder why is your hair suddenly thinning? Why you can’t seem to grow it past your shoulders? Keep reading to find out why does hair fall and if there’s something you can do about it. Find out about the best hair loss treatment!


The most common causes of hair fall

Our bodies are very resilient. Yet they are so delicate that any change in our diet, organism and even our environment can unbalance us; to the point where we start showing symptoms of the trauma it’s experiencing. Here are some of the most common causes of hair fall.



There are two types of stress: physical stress, which is caused by some sort of “trauma” like surgery, and accident or illness. And emotional stress, caused by strong events in a person’s life, like a divorce, the death of a loved one or losing a job. However; both of these types of stress can push your hair into the last phase of their life cycle, where they begin to fall. The hair loss happens much faster than a new one can grow, which results in big patches of no hair.



During pregnancy your body changes in a very dramatic way. Organs push to make room for the baby and you’re filled with hormones. Then comes delivery, which is not easy and then nursing; which involves a big decompensating in a woman’s body to provide food for her baby. All of these hormonal changes and nutritional deficiencies can result in massive hair loss. Thankfully, of all the causes of hair fall this one will be reverted on its own. In most cases, this happens after a couple of months have passed.


Protein deficiency

There are hundreds of components in your daily diet that help your body grow a healthy, strong and shiny mane; and you might not even know that. Ingesting low doses of protein in your diet can make your hair stop growing. This is because the low intake of protein is being used in tasks considered more crucial for your survival. If you stopped ingesting protein or decreased your intake significantly, the hair loss can begin to show two or three months later.


Male pattern baldness

This is one of the most common causes of hair fall, affecting mostly men but also women (women pattern baldness). This type of baldness occurs with age but it’s a combination of hormonal changes and genetic conditions. Male pattern baldness will affect ⅔ of the population by the time they reach the age of 60. Although it’s hard to accomplish, there are in fact some hair loss treatments that work.


Hereditary baldness

As we mentioned above, genetic predisposition is a huge cause of hair fall, one of the main in fact. Hair loss is often passed along from one generation to another. So if one of your grandparents or parents had it, big chances are you’ll get it too. In the case of men, this hereditary condition will slowly begin to show in a receding hairline in the shape of an “M”. In women, the part can widen considerably and hair will overall thin.


Hormonal changes

Remember how the hormones in pregnancy can promote hair loss? In fact, all sorts of hormonal unbalance are one of the major causes of hair fall, especially in women. Switching birth control, changing methods, starting it or leaving it creates an unbalance in the regular hormonal state of the body. If you add up hereditary treats you’re at greater risk. Menopause can also be a big contributor to hair loss; with levels of estrogen dropping to the floor and androgens rising like crazy. This causes follicles to “shrink” and the hair loosens.


Iron deficiency

Another major deficiency that ranks among causes of hair fall is the iron. When levels of iron drop dramatically it can lead to the most common type of anemia. This results in symptoms like fatigue, headaches, dizziness, paleness, cold hands and of course hair loss. Iron is a component present in food like red meat, chicken, turkey, spinach and broccoli. Even if someone is a vegetarian they should be looking to get the right amount of iron in their diets.


Quick and sudden weight loss

Whether it’s because of a diet or the result of a very serious illness; dropping a big amount of weight in a relatively short time is considered a trauma for your body. Even if you lose weight for your benefit, your body might accidentally begin to have vitamin or mineral deficiencies. These deficiencies will, in turn, thin your hair or make it fall altogether.  Other causes of hair fall regarding weight are eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.


Excessive styling

Women are always finding ways to look more beautiful and in fashion, this is why hair styling and treatments have been a part of our lives since the early civilizations. But being constantly under hot styling tools and chemical hair treatments will eventually take a toll on your mane. Tight braids, weaves, hair relaxes, hot oil treatments and of course hair dyes can thin your hair and permanently damage follicles over time. Once the follicle is affected it’s very hard to make hair grow back.



External agents always take the risk of having secondary effects on our bodies. Medication is one of the most common causes of hair fall and it’s sadly hard to experience when you know you must go on with your treatment. Medicines such as antidepressants, blood thinners, blood pressure, rheumatic pills, anti-inflammatory meds and of course chemotherapy can affect the cycle of growth in your body and cause many things including hair loss.


Is there an effective hair loss treatment?

These are just some of the most typical causes of hair fall found in people, and leaving aside those, which can “cure” themselves once the body is stabilized again; most of them can improve with the use of a hair loss treatment.


There are hundreds of shampoos, conditioners, lotions, hair masks and even blisters that specifically treat hair loss. Their formulas nourish hair and strengthen it to give it time to naturally regrow. And even if your hair is falling due to circumstances like pregnancy or the use of certain medication, you can still recur to a hair loss treatment to prevent the damage to be even bigger.

Watch the video below to learn more about hair loss treatment.

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